Audio Absent from Live Streaming
Dear Rosco Live users,
The Rosco Live team
☎ 718.526.2601
Dear Rosco Live users,
The Rosco Live team
☎ 718.526.2601
Dear RoscoLive users,
For a very brief time this morning, we experienced an outage with the service that allows users to access the webpage through the browser. More specifically, we suffered an interruption with the service that takes the URL "" and translates that to an address that allows the browser to find the server hosting the website. Please note that this had no effect on any of our other services such as device connectivity or event uploads and your cameras continued to operate and report like normal.
This issue is now resolved and everyone is now able to navigate to the RoscoLive website successfully.
This outage did not affect everyone, the majority may not have noticed anything wrong at all, but we still want to do our due diligence and keep our valued customers up-to-date on any type of potential issues no matter how small.
Thank you for your patience on the matter. If you have any further questions, please reach out to our techsupport team.
The RoscoLive Team
📞 718.526.2601
Hey RoscoLive, we just released version v2.28.0 today! 🎉
Here's what we've done in this release:
DV6 ADAS Event | The DV6 camera is now capable of detecting ADAS-based events! |
DV6 Camera Replace Option | The DV6 camera now has a Replace option in the Edit Vehicle page. |
Custom Video Request with Video Availability Timeline | The custom video request now has a video availability timeline that shows what video is available for request on the SD card of the camera. |
Added Snapshots and Video to Event Email Notifications | Snapshot and video will now be sent to those who are subscribed to email notifications for events that are set to upload snapshots and/or video to RoscoLive. |
Live Stream Data Usage & Time Usage Columns | Added the columns Live Stream Data Usage and Live Stream (min) columns to Vehicles page. |
Live Streaming 100 Minute Monthly Cap | Cameras will now have a max limit of 100 minutes for live streaming time per month. Cameras that reach or exceed this limit before the end of the month will have live streaming disabled for the remainder of the month and restored at the beginning of the following month. |
Don't forget to checkout our knowledgebase for more information!
The RoscoLive Team
☎ 718.526.2601
We hope you enjoy these improvements! Let us know what you think by leaving some feedback below! 👇
Dear Rosco Live users,
The Rosco Live team
☎ 718.526.2601
Dear Rosco Live users,
The Rosco Live team
☎ 718.526.2601
Dear Rosco Live users,
The Rosco Live team
☎ 718.526.2601
Hey RoscoLive, we just released version 2.27.0 today! 🎉
Here's what we've done in this release:
DV6 Channel 2 Obstruction Detection | The DV6 now has the capability of detecting potential obstructions in front of channel 2. |
Sensitivity Settings for DV6 DMS Events | DMS Events now have individual sensitivity settings in the Settings profile. |
Added new "Report" Option to Custom User Permissions | This new permission controls access to the Reports page. |
Don't forget to checkout our knowledgebase for more information!
The RoscoLive Team
☎ 718.526.2601
We hope you enjoy these improvements! Let us know what you think by leaving some feedback below! 👇
Hey RoscoLive, we just released version 2.26.0 today! 🎉
Here's what we've done in this release:
Potential Accident Report | Generate a Potential Accident report for an event video from the actions menu. |
Quarantine Events Page | A new tab in the Events page where Quarantined events are captured. A quarantined event is one that is uploading more than the normal expected frequency of that type. |
These features need a bit more time to bake but they will be ready very soon!
DV6 ADAS Settings (BETA) | ADAS Settings for the DV6 |
DV6 Obstruction Detection (BETA) | DV6 can now detect potential Channel 2 obstructions and send notification to Rosco Live. |
Vehicle Selection for Email Notifications | Users can now select individually what vehicles they would like to receive email notifications for. |
View Trip from Events Table | Added a Trip column to the Events table and a link that will take you to the trip where that event occurred. |
UI/UX Improvements | Updates and improvements to various UI elements and experience. |
Don't forget to checkout our knowledge-base for more information!
The RoscoLive Team
☎ 718.526.2601
We hope you enjoy these improvements! Let us know what you think by leaving some feedback below! 👇
Dear Rosco Live users,
The live stream service has been restored.
The team here sincerely thanks you for your patience in the matter and we again apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
The Rosco Live Team
☎ 718.526.2601
Dear Rosco Live users,
The Rosco Live team
☎ 718.526.2601