2 months ago
Installer App Temporarily Unavailable for Download on Android from Google Play Store
Dear Rosco Live users,
As of December 12th, the Rosco Installer app has been temporarily made unavailable for download in the Google Play store for Android devices. We thank you for your patience as we actively work on restoring the app back to the Google Play store at this time.
Please note this does not affect those who already have the Rosco Installer app downloaded to their Android device and it does not affect any Apple / iOS devices.
If you have any questions or need assistance with any installations that this issue affects, please contact RoscoLive technical support for further guidance and assistance for installation of your cameras.
At Rosco, we pride ourselves on providing great service and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Though we will update you with more details as we have them, you can check out our Rosco Live notification page for the most up-to-date information.
The Rosco Live team
📧 techsupport@roscovision.com
☎ 718.526.2601