6 months ago
RoscoLive v2.32.0
Hey RoscoLive, we just released version 2.32.0 today! 🎉
Here's what we've done in this release:
Home Page UI Update | The look and feel of the vehicle and groups list on the Home page has been updated |
"At A Glance" Dashboard UI Update | Updated look and feel of "At a Glance" dashboard on the Vehicles page for a more cleaner look. |
Full Screen Events | Event video player now has option to view events in full screen, much like a YouTube video. |
- Fixed issue with Custom Event video request occasionally not displaying video availability for the current date
- Fixed issue with some users receiving an error that email is invalid when attempting to add a driver with a valid email
- Fixed issue with API customers not receiving certain notifications over web hook
- Fixed issue with DMS events still appearing when all DMS events were disabled in the profile of the device for some profiles
- Fixed issue with trip distance accuracy in vehicle trips
- Fixed issue where driver name did not appear with events made by that driver when scanned in
- Fixed issue where the "High G-Force" sensitivity label was reversed
- Fixed issue with columns being sorted correctly on "Daily Events" page
- Fixed issue with some customers not receiving notification emails they are subscribed to
Don't forget to checkout our knowledgebase for more information!
The RoscoLive Team
✉ techsupport@roscovision.com
☎ 718.526.2601
We hope you enjoy these improvements! Let us know what you think by leaving some feedback below! 👇